Friday, December 5, 2014

Project pile list update.... 12/5/14

Today was unusual. Worked an 8 hour day for my favorite painting company. Sometimes it's good to do something outside of my routine.  I guess they call that an honest days work for some reason. I enjoyed it!

Here's some project pile updates:

#1... My main 'jazz' amp. FIx cabinet and either repair or replace tube socket. DONE!!!!!
        Literally took 1/2 an hour total. It's a good thing cause the bright channel in this amp is really        beautiful sounding. Rich! Nothing quite like it. It's a huge part of my sound on guitar.

#2... Fix tail light in my car and fix my now broken glove box (thanks stupid car thief!)
#3... Get new back tires for my car!
#4... Finish building my overdrive pedal! (I built one for a friend that turned out sooooo good, started         to make one for me and never finished. About 63% complete!)
#5... Build 45 triode amp (stereo! I want to listen to my few records again in style! A tube stereo is a           rich person thang. One of my ways to feel rich! Got all the parts as of today.)
        Laid it out to get a visual:

                                    This amp is going to be the most beautiful one I've built.

#6... Fix leaky shower thing.
#7... Set up stereo when I finish building my amp and enjoy the heck out of it!
#8... Sell more stuff on Ebay, beat my December goal for sales there!
#9... Get 2 rolls of film developed, stuff I shot over the last 3 years.
#10.. Finish 2 videos to promote guitar and bass playing for hiring me as a session player or teacher.
#11.. Make new nut for my electric sitar, set it up better and CLEAN IT!
#12..Finish nut for my home made tele, make it smooth like I do for clients. Set it up properly!DONE

 Built this in the summer. Best Esquire ever! 5 pounds, pine body, nice big Vee neck and now when I play open chords the nut doesn't bug me plays in tune finally. That last 30 minutes makes the difference between something good and something great. Also finally buffed out the finish. Looks all nice and shiny like the grown up guitar she is!

#13..Clean top on my classical guitar. Get rid of scuzzy looking tape residue!
#14..Install strap buttons on my beloved Jazz Bass.
#15.. Get those cheap 'beer bottle' strap locks and install them on my guitars. Dropped my '58 Jazzmaster really hard the other day. Been putting it at risk for 10 years now!
#16.. Decide what to do with 2 extra mouthpieces. Sell as is or get them re-faced then sell them for more $$$.
#17: fix top crack on classical.
#18: fix top crack on my '46 Epiphone Spartan.
#19: price out humidifiers and put that into my spending plan!!!!

So that is 2 down, 17 to go! Already feeling a little space clearing up. Gotta make a beat now.....

Thanks for dropping in! J

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