Sunday, December 14, 2014

12/14/ that a holy number?

Today we had a great session, Aaron and I, inventing new tracks. What happens in the practice room needs to make it out into the world. Sometimes our best work is reserved for the tiny universe in the basement of a posh apartment building. We have too many ideas to keep up with. Aaron has no shortage of rhythms to bring to the table and it keeps me creating too.

Starting to feel all this practicing of intervals come into the music. I'm getting better melodic ideas every minute and I'm really grateful for that. I'm glad I'm not where I want to be in my playing just yet, it keeps me working hard and keeps me trying new ideas I can't play yet. Without trying new things there would be no point to music let alone life, for the best part of life lies ahead in the greater mystery. That's what I love about music. The best stuff has yet to happen.

I love a good mystery....don't you?


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