Thursday, December 4, 2014

Gaaah! Unfinished projects! Help me complete these little task!

Okay..... what is standing in the way today? Oh I see, a number of small, rather annoying unfinished projects! One or my dear amps, actually the one I use the most these days on gigs, needs a washer and a new tube socket. I've been putting it off for about 3 1/2 years now, just haven't used the bright channel! One of the problems of having made a living as a tech is when I get home the last thing I want to do is more tech work! A good friend who is a luthier has mad skills, makes a lot of lives better and all of his personal instruments play like crap! Think about it. If you own a pizza restaurant the last thing you want to do when you get home is make some cheese pies!

Steps to fix amp? Buy a a tube socket. Install washer, install tube socket. Time including buying stuff online or at the hardware store? About an hour total. In my mind apparently it'll a huge pain in the amp that will take the rest of my life!

Trouble is these little annoying things just nag me in my day to day. So in the spirit of accountability my dear readers, here is my list of projects. Some are music related, others aren't but do take up space in my mind that they aren't paying rent for. So I shall be publicly checking these things off right here for your enjoyment and for me to actually get them done. I'll do my best to prioritize them as well.

#1... My main 'jazz' amp. FIx cabinet and either repair or replace tube socket.

#2... Fix tail light in my car and fix my now broken glove box (thanks stupid car thief!)
#3... Get new back tires for my car!
#4... Finish building my overdrive pedal! (I built one for a friend that turned out sooooo good, started         to make one for me and never finished. About 63% complete!)

#5... Build 45 triode amp (stereo! I want to listen to my few records again in style! A tube stereo is a           rich person thang. One of my ways to feel rich! Got all the parts as of today.)

#6... Fix leaky shower thing.
#7... Set up stereo when I finish building my amp and enjoy the heck out of it!
#8... Sell more stuff on Ebay, beat my December goal for sales there!
#9... Get 2 rolls of film developed, stuff I shot over the last 3 years.
#10.. Finish 2 videos to promote guitar and bass playing for hiring me as a session player or teacher.
#11.. Make new nut for my electric sitar, set it up better and CLEAN IT!
#12..Finish nut for my home made tele, make it smooth like I do for clients. Set it up properly!

#13..Clean top on my classical guitar. Get rid of scuzzy looking tape residue!
#14..Install strap buttons on my beloved Jazz Bass.
#15.. Get those cheap 'beer bottle' strap locks and install them on my guitars. Dropped my '58 Jazzmaster really hard the other day. Been putting it at risk for 10 years now!
#16.. Decide what to do with 2 extra mouthpieces. Sell as is or get them re-faced then sell them for more $$$.

Most of these are small projects, they all require some decision making. That's really the block, just deciding to do them.

That's pretty much it. Putting them into a list makes it seem that much more doable. Just having these little things out of the way creates more space for making records. In fact, I need to sell off the rest of my first album to create space for more. It's a good one. Buy one from me!!!! If you like psychedelic music, it's a must have! I'll even hand paint the cover for you! Heavy vinyl pressing, what you like!

You can contact me here or on my email address:

Price is $15 shipped in the US, $22 elsewhere.

We'll set it up through Paypal. They make great gifts!!!!!!


Just found 2 more!

 #17: fix top crack on classical.
#18: fix top crack on my '46 Epiphone Spartan.
#19: price out humidifiers and put that into my spending plan!!!!

I'll be updating this as I go along. So far in the last hour I've ordered the tube socket and ordered strap buttons. Hey! Progress! I win again!!!!

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