Monday, December 29, 2014

12/28/14. Holiday blues

Good title for a song. Holiday Blues. Actually I feel good today, just got back to practicing my horn and realize how hard of an instrument tenor sax is. Spent a good hour and a half just doing long tones, getting a full sound, then working on a Lester Young solo, 'Shoe Shine Swing'. It's astonishing, the confidence in that solo, and the joy. That's what it's all about, being joyous in music no matter how I feel.

The holidays have a way of de-railing me though I am glad to have spent time with my beloved family. My morning routine is all out of whack right now but I know what to do to correct that.

That's what this post will be about. Duke Ellington started his day with a glass of hot water and a steak. He said something about building a foundation for the day. It's very true. Without that time in the morning it's not so easy being creative. Whatever that means to you, yoga, lemon water, meditation, a good shag, whatever one needs to do to make the day successful by all means culitvate that. When I'm off my routine, I feel it and lately, yup, those blues become bad blues.

So welcome back Jef, this is a good start. I practiced about 4 hours this evening and the more I play, the more I want to play. The more I write, the more I want to write. So I'll just keep going.


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