Wednesday, March 20, 2013

1958 Fender Jazzmaster

This is my main guitar. I like a big sound on whatever I play and this has that going on. Best whammy on the planet too. Bought this one about 13 years ago in Portland Oregon.

Here's a recording I did with this guitar. Drumming is Sara Lund, she's the bomb!

I find this guitar to be at home in just about any situation. Much darker sounding than my Strat, has a very woody quality to the sound. I modded a couple things, the saddles are brass made by my friend Eric Patton in Portland Oregon and I had the pickups rewound by Fralin, more windings than usual. I also change the pots to 300k, the originals are too bright for my liking.

At one point in history this was just a used guitar. Things were fun then. You bought a guitar and made it yours. These things are silly expensive now so I'd feel wierd about changing one up.

Prince broke Captain Kirks old Epiphone on the televison last week. I felt bad for the owner, that was a dick move, but after having been in the vintage guitar business for so long and dealing with so many obsessive people, the kid inside my heart laughed and said "awesome".


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