Tuesday, November 25, 2014

11/24/14 Listening sessions

Today had a couple listening sessions. One on my own and one with Beth for Gardens. Just shopping the old hard drive mall for material. I have too many un-finished projects! That's why it's important to sit with someone else and go through them. A frog lays 10,000 eggs and only a dozen make it to become more frogs, the rest become fish food or, frog food often, even the poor tadpoles. It's nature. It's simply the creative process. I can't possibly eat all these eggs alone....

Some of the material we'll be using is stuff I wrote in Los Angeles, some really good numbers, and one track is something I did with Sara Lund. I like that this material will see the light of day. It needs to be born. How long before a fetus is deadly to it's mother? Amazing to still be alive!

 We set a date for having an EP finished, Valentines day 2015. I like deadlines. I like assignments. I've made some of my best work for other people. Evolutionary Jass Bands "What's Lost" was an assignment for Mississippi Records. Eric Isaacson gave us a concept and a deadline and we needed to to provide the work. Proud of that one to this day.


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