Wednesday, April 2, 2014

So why take lessons?

There is a wealth of knowledge here on the interweb. One can turn on their Youtube and get guitar lessons for free. Heck, when I'm stuck and need to teach something I don't know myself I use this as a resource.

I hear a lot of teachers worry today about this free information. Some feel it's taking away students, after all why pay for lessons when you can get them for free?

One word: Accountability.

I recently started taking bi-weekly saxophone lessons with Tim Price. Sure I could get the material he shows for free but the reason I pay him is I want to get to the next level. Fast. I simply won't do the work if I'm left to my own devices. Every 2 weeks I need to interact with Tim and turn over my progress. Oh sure, there is a part of me that says "oh man, why are you doing this? Why pay? What's the point of learning this Lester Young solo?" Then I show up and say "wow, I could not do this last week!" I NEED to see my progress or I start to get depressed. Ruts suck.

I also don't like looking like a lazy ass. I gotta show up and do well.

My favorite record I've done which sold the best was an assignment. "Jef, make a record of dirges." I would never do that on my own but thankfully Mississippi records asked and we delivered.

I sell a lot of guitars to beginners. I get asked "should I take lessons to get started?" I always answer yes. Just committing to showing up says you care about yourself. And self care? It rocks. Best thing one can do it take care of oneself. So reach out. Hear what someone else has to say about your playing! And by all means, commit to your growth!


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