Thursday, June 18, 2015

So if you're gonna talk during the music....

  Tonight Gardens played at Manhattan Inn. Good set, totally different vibe from last week in the room. People just couldn't stop talking. We aren't a loud group so at points it drowned us out. The music deejayed in would bury us. But you know, we accept that it's a bar and people want to talk to one another. Unless you are a balls out rock band that buries the chit chat sounds, this is what you get sometimes.

  The table behind my head was good and loud. Conversation was about how much better Super Mario Cart is than just the regular Mario Brothers games. You know, if you are going to talk during my set, please at least be into something deep. It's kind of embarrassing.

  But then I remembered a great moment in one of the first Evolutionary Jass Band gigs with Bob on bass (yes, he played bass tonight too!). It must have been about 2004 at Holocene in Portland, Oregon. Keelin was playing tenor in the group. We never used a P.A. system and opted for just the room sound instead. Anyway, we kicked off the first song and a young lady about 5 feet in front of us continued her cellphone conversation as if there was no band at all. Keelin approached her with her old Martin tenor sax: "HONK HONK, HONK HONK HONK!!!!" She literally chased the lady out of the room, followed her to the door sounding like an angry Canadian Goose. She became my instant hero right then and there. True punk rock spirit! No tact, no 'political correctness', no jive. Just solve the damn problem!

  That was 11 years ago, a few years before the smartphone. Oh my how we've sunk since then. Does anyone remember what it was like to have an attention span?


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