Friday, October 11, 2013

Holding back

I don't understand what is happening with music today. I see a lot of talent being held back intentionally. A lot of fear. I know the passion is there, please reveal it.

When I had the Evolutionary Jass Band going my intention was to become a better sax player. That was it. We made some good music but I was often frustrated with our creation. It was perhaps a matter of that intention, it sets a limit to what I wanted to do. It's like with my business, Leighton Audio. I made an intention for it to bring in $1000 a week. What happened? I brought in exactly $1000 a week average and could not seem to to better. Some weeks much less, others only slightly more. What if I set my intention differently? It became a difficult cycle to break. It was hard for me to take the Jass Band to the next level perhaps cause I set a level in the first place!

In Jackie O I was at a real crossroads with music. I had left the 90's funk zone and made the first honest music of my life with a band called Visitors. I felt free. Then I moved to Portland. I'm not sure that was a great move. I was faced with a scene that confused me, different language, different set of rules*. Jackie O helped me process that. I needed to answer 'what do I even like about making music?' I just saw too many bands that lacked inspiration or energy so I went from playing straight music to playing 2 notes for 45 minutes at a time. My old friends were baffled. I was uncomfortable but knew I was going sane slowly.

Now in music I just want to kick ass. Show up 110% and let it fly. Ill become the musician I need to be with this attitude. Nothing standing in my way shall be an obstacle. I'm happier than ever with the music I'm creating. And really, I'm not serving this world by giving back to it anything less than all of me, for the world has given me everything I need. It's a state of praise and thanks.

We are a funny lot here in the U.S. We don't like to make waves. Be honest. Did another gig tonight where I heard from several people "Sounded Awesome Dude" from the next band. How would you know? You weren't even in the room! And yes, it's a small room and I'm good with faces so please, just tell the truth!

And that's a part of it. I wonder why it's so difficult to tell the truth. It actually takes less energy to be honest. It takes less energy to play a show and reveal your truth. It takes more energy to hold your passion back. It takes more energy to lie. So please, let's get on with the show already. And show up and reveal yourself.


*A word about Portland. I'm not writing this to bash Portland or the scene there in the 90's. Just need to acknowledge my experience of it. I love and miss alot about Portland especially the people. I was just used to something else. Portland gave me a lot of beautiful gifts, I just didn't really feel safe to be myself ever, didn't 'fit in'. It's all good. That is why one leaves. And when I left things had changed. I think the scene there now in my opinion is much more what I needed. Of course, this may all be a matter of growth and perception. I wasn't as open in '95 as I am now and that was a part of the problem. So, love to Portland, love to the 90's, and thanks to this life. It's all good baby!

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