Monday, April 22, 2013

Music and spirit

Been writing a demo a day. Keeps my mind functioning. Really into acoustic guitar these days, tired of all that sound from my amps.

Wrote this one about the war:

No, it's not political. I don't dig on politics.

My new favorite person to hang out with said one day: "once you can see how ridiculous everything is, you can be okay." I get that completely. I love that. You can mess with the world with this attitude.

Did this one the other night. Yeah, I like Django but I don't fancy buying a Selmer guitar.

Inspired by sitting in Central park last Wednesday in the sun. Lots of energy, lots of laziness.

This one was inspired by a friend. I like her, I like this song.....

Gettin' my new age on with this piece.....

Life after rock clubs? Maybe I'll start playing for yoga studios. There's a zillion different paths to the promised land. Played a rock show last night. A lot of chunder in the street. Yoga studios smell nicer.

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